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Parent Club

PTC stands for the Parent Teacher Club. By virtue of having a child attend Lee Elementary School, every parent is a member!

We meet the Second Wednesday of the month at 4:00pm IN PERSON and via Zoom.

Zoom Meeting Link

We welcome all parents/guardians, teachers and staff personnel to attend our meetings and be a part of our club! Our mission is to support our students and teachers in the efforts to increase student achievement and build community.

What is PTC?

The PTC organizes and manages school fundraisers, helps set up a network of volunteers to work in classrooms and for school events, and generally encourage parent involvement in the school. The PTC meets once a month to review current and upcoming events; they also discuss and approve fund requests to help meet any needs the school may have, from field trips to classroom libraries.

Lee PTC Leadership

President – Katy Burke
Vice President – Miranda Hennan
Fundraising Coordinator – Katy Burke
Secretary/Treasurer – Shann Mann
Volunteer Coordinator – (Open)
Social Media Liason – Tye Viars
Bilingual Liaison – Karina Pacheco & Francie Mendoza Campa

Lee PTC News

Check the Parent-Teacher Club Bulletin board at school, the PTC Facebook page, or the Lee News flyer for upcoming events, agenda and minutes from the meetings. Please join us at the meetings to have your voice heard, vote on how funds are spent, know what is going on, or volunteer for upcoming events.

Fund Raising

*If you, or your families have a business, or personal funds that you would like to give as a tax-deductible donation that goes directly to support Lee Elementary School, please make checks payable to: Lee Elementary School, and put PTC in the memo.

Or donate here

We are looking to raise funds this year. 

These funds go towards field trips, resources and services to enrich your students’ education, support of the Fall & Spring book fair, Teacher Appreciation, Carnival, and Field Day as well as various other activities throughout the school year.
If you are interested in becoming involved in the PTC or need more information call Lee’s office at 503-399-5570 or email the PTC.